Small Group &
Team-Based Work


Working in small groups of 5, in half or full-day sessions, can be an energising way to reach more people in our coaching work, while tapping into the insights and experiences held by peers.

This approach is particularly useful when there are specific messages that need to be cascaded consistently across teams, and when we need to roll out the coaching at a greater pace (or lower cost) than can be achieved through 1:1 coaching sessions.

During the session, we look at the principles of compelling and authentic spoken communication. We use camera work to develop self-awareness, and share tools to help people evolve their personal narratives and prepare critical messages for specific audiences.

We build on this by working on the creation and delivery of content, often based on real upcoming communication challenges. Together with plenty of practice and feedback, we introduce key skills such as storytelling and techniques to help with vocal and physical delivery.


We help teams come together behind a shared sense of purpose, with a commitment to open communication and ways of working that will promote both high performance and high engagement.

This can be after times of turbulence (e.g. returning to work after lockdown); it might be due to signs of dysfunction in the team; alternatively, it might simply time to take stock, such as for a team away-day.

Examples of this work include helping the new HR leadership team in a global corporation come together in pursuit of a shared vision; helping the senior EMEA leadership team of a bank define its broad cultural, strategic and tactical remit and explain it to the global organisation; helping various teams work through the toxicity of historic tensions in order to draw a line and commitment to a new future.

Individual interviews

We start by asking members about their view on the remit of the team and the role it does or could play in helping the organisation achieve its mission. We ask about measures of success, about key stakeholders and the quality of current relationships, and about how well the team is regarded by others. We then move to discuss ways of working – what the team gets right and what it should do differently. Finally, we ask people about what the team should strive to do in order to protect what it gets right while continually improving for the future.

Data and themes are collated – often supported by additional interviews and focus groups – and next stages are designed

Group workshop

This highly tailored session workshop will often involve a balance of sharing feedback themes alongside insights from case studies and for the science, moving the group from reflection into commitment and then decisions and action. Focus might then be on creating a team ‘narrative (what we stand for, what we’re trying to achieve) and a team ‘manifesto’ (our commitments to each other and the organisation). An additional key output might be stakeholder-focused messaging that the team can use to engage with others.

Individual Coaching

We coach each individual member on how to build the team’s narrative and manifesto, as well as their personal narrative, into their communication as a team ambassador. More often than not this will involve identifying key segments of the population and preparing the content for a specific piece of related communication – as well as rehearsing the delivery. In this way, we help the team build engagement and put commitments into practice so that key measurable outcomes are achieved.

Live Pitch and presentation COACHING

We often help clients create and rehearse the delivery of key presentations, frequently alongside other key advisors.

As an objective third party who has been less immersed in the detail, we can help you make sure you are truly telling the story they want to tell, and in a way that flows easily and compellingly.

We can also make sure the team really shows up as a team, so that when the audience look you in the eyes they see a group of credible, passionate and well-aligned professionals in whom they can readily place their trust.

We like to get involved early, helping agree objectives, identify strengths and vulnerabilities, before shaping the overarching narrative. We then give support during materials-creation before facilitating the rehearsal process (and giving targeted 1:1 support if necessary) and helping prepare for Q&A.

Examples of our work include:


  • Working with pitch teams as they compete for significant mandates
  • Helping management teams present to investor audiences
  • Supporting leadership teams prior to major internal or external events, including conferences, AGMs, internal town halls and new business launches

“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.”

Judy Garland


1:1 Coaching and

Larger Group

Writing &
Coaching for Writers


Please do not hesitate to get in touch. Call us on +44 (0)20 3488 5652,
fill in the form below, or send an email to enquiries@openspaceassociates.com.


1:1 Coaching

Small Groups & Teams

Larger Group Workshops

Writing & Coaching for Writers

Our Approach

The Team



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